Larado, me and Lena on the Santa Fe Trail, with Ocate Crater behind us. Taken from Fort Union.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

A wonderful Camino de los Burros 2024!

What a wonderful day! Our first ever Camino de los Burros was a success and everyone had a great time, we all want to do it again next year. Thanks to a much appreciated story in Saturday's Santa Fe New Mexican, a big crowd of folks turned out to see the donkeys. I will let the photos speak for themselves, but as far as I was concerned, the whole thing was a massive "pinch me" moment, walking through the historic streets of Santa Fe with Lena, my burro. I decided to only bring one donkey so I could focus my whole attention on her. Since Larado didn't like his costume much, I chose Lena to accompany me in our 1800s attire :) She did AMAZINGLY well! I am so grateful to her and proud of her. The burros were a huge hit with the crowds, who, to our surprise, mobbed us and followed us along the route. The only downside was that I had overestimated how long it would take us and so the parade was over within an hour. Anyone showing up at nine or ten (we started at eight am) missed the donkeys. For that I aplologize to anyone who came to support us but were disappointed. :( If we successfully do this event again next year, we will know better. The above photo, (supplied by Nove C. Roll-Canning) sums up the spirit of the event perfectly. Past meets present. Burro Luna making friends with the statue honoring burros at the south end of Burro Alley. When our precession reached the alley, we laid a wreath there to commemorate all of Santa Fe's hard working burros that served the city over its long, 400 year history.
This photo of Lena and me in front of the Saint Francis Cathedral (taken by my friend Cathy,) is one of the highlights of my day. The sound of the cathedral bells that rang out periodically throughout the Camino were really lovely. But walking through Burro Alley, standing outside the Palace of the Governors and next to the "End of the Trail," Santa Fe Trail marker on the plaza were pretty special moments too :) Below are pics of the participants of the 2024 event.
Eric and Laura Roybal and her daughter Caroline. Their two donkeys are called Rosita and Carmelita. Eric has been a HUGE help in organizing this event and was a wonderful supervisor for the parade as it walked through Santa Fe. Love the hat!
Leanne DeVane and her donkey Luna.
Joyce Davis and her burro Carlotta.
Annarie and Sweet Patootie.
Suzanne Brannen and Kim Faye with Bud and Daisy Mae.
Cindy Roper and Julie Bartel who were invaluable as "pooper-scoopers!"
Above. Me and Lena at the "End of the Trail" marker on the plaza, and Cathy, Lena and I outside the Palace of the Governors.
Above. This was us trying to set up a photo to match an 1800 pic taken at Burro Alley. We didn't have much luck matching it perfectly as the south end of the alley was crowded with onlookers, but it was fun trying. In the second pic, you can see the wreath we placed at the statue of a burro that honors all of the hard working burros that were tethered in the alley over its history.
Above are a variety of photos taken along the Camino route through the heart of old Santa Fe.
A couple of group photos. The first is of me and my best pals Suzanne, Julie, Lena, me, Cathy and Andy. The second photo is a group shot of all of the participants in the first ever Camino de los Burros!
Here is a wonderful video that Cindy Roper made of the event. It captures the morning perfectly. To view this video, please click on this link: CAMINO DE LOS BURROS 2024.

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A wonderful Camino de los Burros 2024!

What a wonderful day! Our first ever Camino de los Burros was a success and everyone had a great time, we all want to do it again next ye...